Gracie Under Fire

Grace Under Fire

We are programmed to think that when we lose out on something, it’s bad. We think we failed. We forget that if our journey was just an endless series of wins, we would never learn anything. We would never appreciate anything, either. We would never reflect. Rise up and don’t judge. Sounds simple and easy doesn’t it? Nope. Not at all.

No one likes rejection, I don’t care who you are. It feeds that voice inside your head that says, “you’re a loser”. It gives Satan an opportunity to camp out and make you believe that you are a failure. It causes doubt your worth. For some reason, our society still is not very accepting of people showing disappointment and hurt. That makes it very hard to navigate the waters sometimes. It’s NORMAL to be disappointed when you lose out on something or something doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to.

How you deal with it, is completely up to you. People do watch to see how you react to these situations and tend to be very judgmental. If you don’t show disappointment, then “you must have not wanted the opportunity that badly”. If you show disappointment in the way of tears or frustrations, then you are a “weak individual”. Our society sends so many mixed signals that it makes it hard to know how to act. I do know this: Bottling up all these emotions can be dangerous to your wellbeing. You must choose how you will deal with it. There is nothing wrong with being genuinely disappointed. You’re human! I choose to walk in truth and transparency. My days “acting” to make others feel better are long gone. Only YOU are responsible for how you feel. Can you blame others for making you feel a certain way? Sure, you can. But in truth, you must acknowledge that you are in control of your how you feel.

What I do know is that no matter how bad you want to be in control, you are not. God is. Remember, He knows what His plans for you are. If something doesn’t work out like we thought it should only means that it wasn’t meant to be. In Jeremiah 29:11 it says, “For I know the plans I have for you, “declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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